Pioneering Financial Solutions with Expertise in Mathematics, AI, and Finance

Our Team

PolarisAI GmbH is a Europe-based technology company. Our head office will be located in Upper Austria. Specializing in the development of cutting-edge software solutions, we harness the power of machine learning, statistical analysis, and advanced financial methodologies, including technical and fundamental analysis. Our primary mission is to empower investors by accurately predicting the future movements of global markets, thereby maximizing profitability.

Empowering Investors: PolarisAI’s Tailored Solutions for Dynamic Markets

PolarisAI technologies represent indispensable tools essential for any investor striving for success in today’s dynamic financial environment.

Our team of scientists has engineered predictive solutions tailored for various stock markets and stands ready to tailor PolarisAI software to meet the unique demands of any emerging market. We welcome discussions to customize our offerings to suit your specific requirements.

With a dedicated team of experts leading the charge in innovation, Polaris AI is steadfast in its commitment to delivering sophisticated solutions tailored to individuals, businesses, and financial investors, empowering them to make informed decisions in asset investments. Our meticulously crafted software offerings not only identify significant buying and selling opportunities but also adeptly manage investment portfolios. This all-in-one tool is designed to enable our clients to navigate the complexities of the financial landscape with confidence and precision.

Whether you are an individual investor aiming to optimize your trading strategy or a financial institution seeking to enhance your investment portfolio, PolarisAI stands as your trusted partner in unlocking the potential of tomorrow’s markets, today. Harness our suite of software tools to maximize the profitability of your investment portfolio.

Our Strategy:

At the core of our pioneering solution resides a team of dedicated financial experts, machine learning specialists, and accomplished scientists who lend their expertise to this cutting-edge scientific revolution. We harness state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and advanced deep neural networks to seamlessly integrate traditional fundamental and technical analysis with avant-garde mathematical frameworks. This innovative fusion empowers us to precisely forecast future price movements of assets, thereby revolutionizing profitability for our clients.

Our Teams

Claudia Farnoud-Niedermayr

MSc in Finance and political sciences

Co-Founder and CEO

Dr. Ali Farnoud

PhD with focus on mathematical modeling and machine learning, MSc in Engineering

Co-Founder and CTO

Ehsan Madani

MSc in Finance, PhD candidate with focus on financial market analysis

Co-Founder and CFO

Reza Najafi Z.

PhD candidate with focus in Computer Science and machine learning MSc in Engineering

Co-Founder and COO

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